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Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30, 2011- Day 365

This is it... the final day. I would like to thank of all my blog followers, friends, and family for supporting me on this 365 day journey. Some days  I found it easier than others to take photos. I can't tell you how many times I cried, "I don't know what to take a picture of!". I also can't tell you how many times someone was there to help me. Thank you! You know who you are!
I think I've learned a lot. Not only about photography but about life. Last year at this time I know where I was and I look where I am now..... happy and content. 
As I look over my past year in photos, it's funny. I can really remember each day! That is the amazing part. I know how I felt when I took the picture, where I was, what the weather was like.  It's awesome. 
I would be lying if I said I was sad that this is over, it's the exact opposite. I'm ready for a change, a tiny  break. I'm ready to focus on new and exciting mini projects for my blog/business. So stay tuned!

I hope I leave you with a GREAT last photo! The start of a new day! 


  1. Wow, Kel...I couldn't have said it better myself! I love this picture. Now what am I going to look at everyday on FB? A year sure did go by fast.. I'm so proud of you! You are an AWESOME photographer and I can't wait to see what's next for you.

  2. Thank you Ber!!! And thank you for this last pic idea of the sunrise!!!

  3. I think it's great way to leave it!!! A start of a new day!! You did a great job...I will sure miss those beautiful pics & watching you stress out on what to take a picture of!!! LOVE YA!!! Dad

